For Hotel Bookings, please see this list of accommodations in Iligan within 45 minutes ride to the Convention Area.

Robinsons Place Iligan
It is where the Registration and Secretariat will be stationed on October 4 and 5. The JCI Philippines Business to Business Networking Event, Plenary and Joint NB Meeting will also take place here. The Function Hall of Go Hotel can accommodate 500 delegates for the JCI Philippines Plenary. It also has two meeting rooms.
Robinsons Place Iligan is where the Registration and Secretariat will be stationed on October 4 and 5. The JCI Philippines Business to Business Networking Event, Plenary and Joint NB Meeting will also take place here. The Function Hall of Go Hotel can accommodate 500 delegates for the JCI Philippines Plenary. It also has two meeting rooms.

Cheradel Suites
Cheradel Suites is the Home of the 2018 National Board of JCI Philippines. Cheradel Celebrity Dome is another proposed venue for the simultaneous party.

Plaza Alemania
Plaza Alemania is the home our international guests. This can be an options for meetings and function of the convention.